Monday, January 4, 2010

21 Day Challenge

Hi everyone! I hope you all had a happy new year and a merry Christmas!
Ok I bet you all are wondering what is this 21-day challenge thingy? Well as my best friend Steph already knows i am going to be fasting for 21 days! It is really hard especially with all the temptations... well actually just one. Chocolate, Oh my gosh I'm thinking of it right now I LOVE CHOCOLATE!!!!

uhm... sorry that was embarrassing any who....
Normally you are not supposed to tell people that you are fasting but i thought maybe you guys are up for the challenge as well, if not it's ok... but my whole church is doing it! (I'm so proud of them)

Oh and you don't have to starve yourself all day. You can eat at night after you turn in your fasting sacrifice to God. Because when you fast you sacrifice your time and yourself to God. This is how you can build a stronger relationship with him. If you guys want to know more about fasting i will post some more on it! (wait, didn't I say this before? or was that about humility?)
Well i hope you all take it easy now. I'll be praying for ya! wish me luck!

1 comment:

Ingrid said...

fasting for chocolate!!????? impossible!